
We are happy to inform you that a new meta-analysis of Direct Instruction research has been recently published by The Review of Education Research.The article, titled The Effectiveness of Direct Instruction Research: A Meta-Analysis of a Half-Century of Research, is authored by Jean Stockard, Tim Wood, Cristy Coughlin and Caitlin Rasplica Khoury and examines the literature published from 1961-2016 on the effectiveness of Direct Instruction. Analyses were based on 318 studies involving 431 study designs and almost 4000 effects. The among the findings, the abstract for the article reports, "All of the estimated effects were positive and all were statistically significant except results from metaregressions involving affective outcomes. Effects showed little decline during maintenance, and effects for academic subjects were greater when students had more exposure to the programs."

This important article can be ordered via Sage Publishing's online request system http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.3102/0034654317751919. You may also request additional information from Jean Stockard at her email address, jeans@uoregon.edu.