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Rules, Praise, and Ignoring: Elements of Classroom Control

This article examines a study on the effects of the behavior modification program Rules, Ignoring Inappropriate Behaviors, and showing Approval for Appropriate Behavior on student behavior in two classrooms. Two students from a second grade class and one student from a kindergarten were selected to be observed in the study because they had previously displayed behavior problems in class. After establishing baseline data, Rules, Ignoring, and Approval conditions were introduced one at a time. In the second grade classroom a reversal of classroom conditions were installed as a final stage to the study in order to replicate baseline conditions. Results indicated reinforcing classroom rules alone had little effect on classroom behavior. The second stage of Ignoring Inappropriate Behaviors produced inconsistent results, but results of the third stage when the combination of Ignoring Inappropriate Behaviors and showing Approval for Appropriate Behavior was very effective in improving classroom behavior. Additionally teacher and observer comments indicated significant changes in the behavior of the entire classroom and in the teachers’ enjoyment of their classes. (Copyright © 2013, National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI). All rights reserved).

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