
pdf Curriculum Influences on Growth in Early Reading Fluency for Students With Academic and Behavioral Risks: A Descriptive Study Popular

Curriculum Influences on Growth in Early Reading Fluency for Students With Academic and Behavioral Risks: A Descriptive Study

This study examined the reading growth of students who were part of an early-screening model in five urban schools across three years. Students were screened for risk of behavior problems by teacher ratings, nominations, and classroom observations, and screened for risk of academic problems by teacher nominations and DIBELS probes. Three schools selected a literature-based reading curriculum, one selected the Direct Instruction reading program, Reading Mastery, and one selected Success for All. Results indicate that students identified with both academic and behavioral problems made the least growth in reading achievement, and those who were identified with behavioral problems only made better growth than students identified with academic problems only. Additionally, students who received reading instruction with Reading Mastery achieved greater gains in reading fluency then students receiving Success for All, and Success for All produced better reading growth than the literature-based reading program. (Copyright © 2011, National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI). All rights reserved).

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