
The National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to:

  1. Providing administrative and curricular support to schools and districts as they implement Direct Instruction (DI) programs.
  2. Conducting, promoting and publicizing high-quality research on the effects of DI implementations.

While we do not offer tutoring services or other homeschool-related services, there are several programs designed for at-home use. These programs are written by Direct Instruction's creator and senior author, Siegfried "Zig" Engelmann and are developed using the same core concepts for instructional design as regular DI programs sold exclusively to the school market.

At-home programs include:

If you are attempting to locate schools that use Direct Instruction programs, email us at info@nifdi.org with the details of your search:

  • Grade level(s)
  • Location (ex. City, State) or region (ex. Southern California)
  • Your contact information (email and phone)
  • Additional information or details relevant to your search

Although NIFDI does not maintain a list or database of each school or district using Direct Instruction, representatives from the publisher, McGraw-Hill, work regionally and are familiar with sites using the programs. They may be able to assist you in locating a school using DI. We can send you the name and contact information for the representative in the area you are searching and forward the details of your search to the representative. 

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